Freqüência: 3,977 MHz e 14,267 MHz 7045Mhz, 3720 kHz Haiti
SATERN Full Alert DELTA Nível III para o Haiti Terremoto de Emergência. Todos
redes ativas. 14,265 MHz Daytime Primário. 7265 e 3977,7 KHz e à noite
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Terremoto de freqüências net - 7045, 3720 kHz - Tenha claro
Da redação CQ / WorldRadio Online
Todos os radioamadores são obrigados a mantê-7045 kHz e 3720 kHz claro para
tráfego possível emergência relacionadas com a grande terremoto de hoje no Haiti.
International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Região II, Área C Emergência
Coordenador Arnie Coro, CO2KK, informa que a partir de 0245 UTC de janeiro
13, nada tinha sido ouvido de radioamadores no Haiti, mas que o
acima de freqüências estavam sendo mantidos ativos em caso de qualquer presuntos haitiano gerir
para entrar no ar, e no caso de outros eventos relacionados em torno
áreas, incluindo réplicas e um possível tsunami.
O seguinte é de um e-mail de CO2KK:
Poucos minutos após o sismo foi sentido em cidades do leste de Cuba,
A Federação Cubana de Rádio Amadores Net emergência foi ativado, com
líquida dos postos de controlo CO8WM e CO8RP localizada na cidade de Santiago de
Cuba, e em contacto permanente com o Centro Nacional de Sismologia
Cuba localizado naquela cidade.
Estações na cidade de Baracoa, na província de Guantánamo, também foram
ativada imediatamente, como os movimentos de terra foram sentidos ainda mais fortes
lá, devido à sua proximidade com o Haiti. CO8AZ e CO8AW entrou no ar
imediatamente, com a seguinte CM8WAL. Na fase inicial da emergência,
a população da cidade de Baracoa foi evacuado longe do
costa, como houve um alerta preliminar de um evento possível tsunami ou de uma
pesada onda seqüência trens impactando a linha da costa marítima da cidade
parede ...
Baracoa não pôde contatar estações de Santiago de Cuba, em 40 metros, devido à
Passar muito tempo depois de 5 PM local, que várias estações no oeste de Cuba e
uma no Estado da Flórida, desde E.U. relés. CO2KK como Região II de IARU
Área C Coordenador de Emergência, ajudou a organizar as redes, em 7045 kHz
e também em 3720 kHz, enquanto as redes locais em Santiago de Cuba e Baracoa
operado em 2 metros.
Ainda em 9,45 horário local 0245 UTC não temos sido capazes de contacto
qualquer amador ou estações de serviços de emergência no Haiti.
Aficionados da República Dominicana, Porto Rico, Venezuela,
acompanhamento da freqüência de banda de 40 metros, que eu notificada à IARU
Região II executivo Ramon Santoyo XE1KK como em uso para a emergência,
solicitando que 7045 kHz ser mantido tão clara quanto possível ..
Ainda estamos observando a 7.045 kHz esperando que alguém no Haiti pode
ter acesso a um transceptor e pelo menos uma bateria de carro para executá-lo.
Todas as informações que até agora vem do sismólogos cubano dizer
nos de um terremoto muito intenso, e também da possibilidade de outros
eventos que se seguem.
Seguindo o conselho do geofísicos, estamos mantendo a 7045 e
3720 freqüências quilohertz ativa até novo aviso.
QRZ Moderador
SATERN Full Alert Level DELTA III for Haiti Earthquake Emergency. All
nets active. 14.265 MHz Primary Daytime. 7265 and 3977.7 KHz evening and
night. Saiba mais')">
= = =
Earthquake net frequencies - 7045, 3720 kHz - Please keep clear
From the CQ / WorldRadio Online Newsroom
All radio amateurs are requested to keep 7045 kHz and 3720 kHz clear for
possible emergency traffic related to today's major earthquake in Haiti.
International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region II Area C Emergency
Coordinator Arnie Coro, CO2KK, reports that as of 0245 UTC on January
13, nothing had been heard from radio amateurs in Haiti, but that the
above frequencies were being kept active in case any Haitian hams manage
to get on the air, and in case of other related events in surrounding
areas, including aftershocks and a possible tsunami.
The following is from an e-mail from CO2KK:
A few minutes after the earthquake was felt in eastern Cuba's cities,
the Cuban Federation of Radio Amateurs Emergency Net was activated, with
net control stations CO8WM and CO8RP located in the city of Santiago de
Cuba, and in permanent contact with the National Seismology Center of
Cuba located in that city.
Stations in the city of Baracoa, in Guantanamo province, were also
activated immediately as the earth movements were felt even stronger
there, due to its proximity to Haiti. CO8AZ and CO8AW went on the air
immediately, with CM8WAL following. At the early phase of the emergency,
the population of the city of Baracoa was evacuated far away from the
coast, as there was a primary alert of a possible tsunami event or of a
heavy wave trains sequence impacting the coast line at the city's sea
wall ...
Baracoa could not contact Santiago de Cuba stations on 40 meters due to
long skip after 5 PM local time, so several stations in western Cuba and
one in the US State of Florida provided relays. CO2KK as IARU Region II
Area C Emergency Coordinator, helped to organize the nets, on 7045 kHz
and also on 3720 kHz, while local nets in Santiago de Cuba and Baracoa
operated on 2 meters.
As late as 9,45 PM local time 0245 UTC we have not been able to contact
any amateur or emergency services stations in Haiti.
Amateurs from the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela were
monitoring the 40 meter band frequency, that I notified to the IARU
Region II executive Ramon Santoyo XE1KK as in use for the emergency,
requesting that 7045 kHz be kept as clear as possible..
We are still keeping watch on 7045 kHz hoping that someone in Haiti may
have access to a transceiver and at least a car battery to run it.
All information that has so far come from the Cuban seismologists tell
us of a very intense earthquake, and also of the possibility of other
events following.
Following the advice of the geophysicists, we are keeping the 7045 and
3720 kiloHertz frequencies active until further notice.
QRZ Moderator
Saiba mais')">
SATERN Full Alert Level DELTA III for Haiti Earthquake Emergency. All
nets active. 14.265 MHz Primary Daytime. 7265 and 3977.7 KHz evening and
night. Saiba mais')">
= = =
Earthquake net frequencies - 7045, 3720 kHz - Please keep clear
From the CQ / WorldRadio Online Newsroom
All radio amateurs are requested to keep 7045 kHz and 3720 kHz clear for
possible emergency traffic related to today's major earthquake in Haiti.
International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region II Area C Emergency
Coordinator Arnie Coro, CO2KK, reports that as of 0245 UTC on January
13, nothing had been heard from radio amateurs in Haiti, but that the
above frequencies were being kept active in case any Haitian hams manage
to get on the air, and in case of other related events in surrounding
areas, including aftershocks and a possible tsunami.
The following is from an e-mail from CO2KK:
A few minutes after the earthquake was felt in eastern Cuba's cities,
the Cuban Federation of Radio Amateurs Emergency Net was activated, with
net control stations CO8WM and CO8RP located in the city of Santiago de
Cuba, and in permanent contact with the National Seismology Center of
Cuba located in that city.
Stations in the city of Baracoa, in Guantanamo province, were also
activated immediately as the earth movements were felt even stronger
there, due to its proximity to Haiti. CO8AZ and CO8AW went on the air
immediately, with CM8WAL following. At the early phase of the emergency,
the population of the city of Baracoa was evacuated far away from the
coast, as there was a primary alert of a possible tsunami event or of a
heavy wave trains sequence impacting the coast line at the city's sea
wall ...
Baracoa could not contact Santiago de Cuba stations on 40 meters due to
long skip after 5 PM local time, so several stations in western Cuba and
one in the US State of Florida provided relays. CO2KK as IARU Region II
Area C Emergency Coordinator, helped to organize the nets, on 7045 kHz
and also on 3720 kHz, while local nets in Santiago de Cuba and Baracoa
operated on 2 meters.
As late as 9,45 PM local time 0245 UTC we have not been able to contact
any amateur or emergency services stations in Haiti.
Amateurs from the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela were
monitoring the 40 meter band frequency, that I notified to the IARU
Region II executive Ramon Santoyo XE1KK as in use for the emergency,
requesting that 7045 kHz be kept as clear as possible..
We are still keeping watch on 7045 kHz hoping that someone in Haiti may
have access to a transceiver and at least a car battery to run it.
All information that has so far come from the Cuban seismologists tell
us of a very intense earthquake, and also of the possibility of other
events following.
Following the advice of the geophysicists, we are keeping the 7045 and
3720 kiloHertz frequencies active until further notice.
QRZ Moderator
Saiba mais')">
2 comentários:
Prezado PP-2-RR
Deixo aqui no seu Blog os agradecimentos dos Haitianos que estudam no Centro Univesrsitário Izabela Hendrix pelo esforço que você e demais radioamadores fizeram em tentar localizar seus ente queridos no Haiti.
Mais do que um hobby e uma paixão, o radioamadorismo é solidariedade e amor ao próximo.
O seu Blog está entre os meus favoristos.
Um forte 73
Luiz Felipe Lehman
Seria legal se fossem traduzidas algumas partes..Abraço!
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